zoom online and public class schedules are listed below
Yoga is a mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy and became popular in the West during the mid 20th century. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. The word yoga is from the Sanskrit word Yuj which means union. Yoga is a discipline that aims to unite the mind, body and spirit.
There are many different styles of yoga, each with their own methodology or style, however the asanas (yoga postures) are the same. Details of the yoga styles I teach are detailed below at the bottom of this page.
Community Yoga class at Orpington Methodist Church - a winter season of nourishing yin / yang yoga practice … class resumes **monday 13th jan 2025**
orpington classes £5 per session, pay as you go - booking is required …. please use my contact form to book a space (check spam folder for reply) - I look forward to welcoming you!
Venue : The Church Hall, Orpington Methodist Church, 19 Sevenoaks Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 9JH
Monday 20.00-21.00hrs - Community Yoga class Hatha / Yin yoga - this class is suitable for beginners . Cost will be £5 per session. Please book using my contact form (check junk mail if you do not hear from me in 24hrs) Bring your own yoga mat and small blanket. Also, if you have any yoga props ( block, strap, bolster) do bring along.
hatha yoga …
Join me at Deva Yoga in Chislehurst on Thursdays 18.30-19.45 for 75 mins of Hatha yoga. Book via Studio - studio terms apply
early morning yoga via zoom - register via the zoom links below:
small group morning home practice
Wednesdays - 07.30-08.15am - 45 mins Hatha yoga - click HERE to register and join - (Winter season resumes Wed 15 Jan 2025)
If you have any questions please message me here via my contact form
I offer Zoom sessions in the spirit of dana - a Buddhist practice of generosity from the heart. You are welcome to pay what you can. Your donations support me and I hope that I can be of helpful support to you in return. Please contact me for my banking details.
Please note that while yoga is generally suited to everyone, it is up to you as an individual to assess whether you are ready for the class you have chosen. I have detailed below the classes that I teach. If you have an injury or medical condition, it is up to you to decide whether a practice is right for you.
warmest x
Yinny x
What are the yoga styles that I teach?
All yoga stems from Hatha – Ha means sun and Tha means moon. Asanas (postures) are static and held longer periods of time, developing a strong foundation slowly strengthening and opening up the body. As this is considered a yang practice where the focus is engagement of muscles, it is a great complement to restorative / yin yoga. Hatha is suitable for all levels, with variations and the option of modifications throughout the class. This allows you to take your practice to where you chose in that moment. This class is suitable for all levels including beginners.
Weaving together elements of Qigong and yoga. Combining the linear movements of yoga asana with more circular movements of qigong we create a “fusion” of the two practices . Expect more fluidity in movement often moving in a mandala ( circle) around the mat. You do not need to have a qigong practice to attend this class. Some yoga experience is preferred. This practice is like a moving meditation and nourishing for mind body and spirit.
Yin Yoga
Yin is a slow, mindful practice where the postures are held in a way that allows the physical focus to be directed to the connective tissues of the body – the ligaments, tendons, deep fascia of the muscles, tissues, internal organs and the energy channels of the body known as the meridians following the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The postures mainly focus on lower body from the pelvis to the knee area although not solely. Postures are mainly floor based and supported with props as required. You are encouraged to take each posture to your own comfortable edge at that moment, enabling you to hold the posture for between 2 minutes and up to 5 mins. We use this time to observe and be attentive to any sensations that arise through the body and resolve to maintain a stillness in body and mind perhaps moving a little deeper in to posture if the body opens up. Rather than pushing the body into a stretch we allow the body to slowly open into the stretch resulting in a deeper opening. Yin yoga is a great complement to Hatha and Vinyasa flow or any strength building, high impact activity, helping to maintain healthy joints as well as being effective in opening up stiff hips, quads, hamstrings and calves. Yin allows us to practice acceptance and mindfulness helping us to slow down the overactive and stressed mind. The postures in this practice are supported by bolsters, blocks and straps where required.
yoga bolster - an invaluable prop for yin and restorative yoga!