““Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can””
““The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body” ”
Hello and welcome !
My name is Wai-Yin .....Yinny is an adopted nickname. It is also easier to remember! I am founder of “Sukha” Yoga with Yinny. My aim is to share the practice of yoga and make it accessible to everyone. In addition to yoga, I am also a Sound Therapy practitioner hosting group Sound bath meditations using Tibetan singing bowls, Quartz Crystal bowls and gongs.
Sukha is the sanskrit word meaning happiness, pleasure, ease or bliss. The pleasure of sukha is an authentic state of happiness within a being rather than a transient pleasure. The benefits of yoga and sound therapy can take us some way on the journey to this place of ease in mind and in body.
I am a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals and certified to 500 hours. I qualified to teach Yoga in May 2013, graduating from my 200 hour TT in Ashtanga Vinyasa. In 2015 I qualified to teach Pregnancy yoga and completed my advanced 300 hour certificate with The Yoga People, July 2018, opting to focus on the practice of Yin. It is from here I became interested in Acupuncture and TCM theory as applied to Yin yoga, taking me on a path to the practice of Qigong. The learning never ends and the journey is ever exciting.
My yoga journey started in 2009 as an Iyengar student. The strong alignment focus of an Iyengar practise has influenced my style of teaching together with a love of flowing and creative sequencing which stems from a personal practise in Ashtanga, Jivamukti and Anusara styles of yoga.
My teaching style draws a students attention to awareness of safe , energetic alignment and strong focus on the breath. I encourage students to be aware of their own body, and to move intuitively in a way that feels good and safe for them as they practise. This cultivates a more internal focus and helps build the confidence to adapt and safely modify the posture in a way that benefits the individual. It opens the practise of connecting with the inner self and to greater awareness and respect for the body. Our bodies are unique, our experiences personal to us and this influences our movements.
Our yoga practise can change us in ways we do not expect. What we experience in life we bring to the mat and what we practise on the mat transforms us and we take that back out in to the world. In this sense, Yoga becomes a way of life, what we feel inside is reflected on the outside - the way we feel, interact and live.
I live in Orpington, Kent on the outskirts of London where I host my own local class which include a weekly Kula or community class on Monday evenings, offering a mixed yoga practise at a subsidised cost. Details are on my classes page. In addition to scheduled classes I run retreats in the UK and teach regular workshops in the practise of Yin Yoga, foundational yoga courses for beginners and host Sound Bath events in the Kent area. Please feel free to connect on Instagram if you use social media. I have a contact form if you have any questions.
Thank you for reading & I look forward to meeting you soon.
Yinny x